Psalm 119: 12-16 - " Praise be to you , O Lord ; teach me your decrees. WITH MY LIPS I RECOUNT all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Real Life Temptations and My Mega Million Reasons This Christmas

 Proverbs 15:16 - Better is a little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble with it.

          In real life we all get those temptations for more don't we?       While booking it down the highway on the way to work sipping my freshly brewed coffee, I realized something. I had coffee breath in a big way. There was no way I could go to work greeting people and washing faces without opening my mouth to breathe. I quickly pulled off at the next gas station and grabbed some strong mint orbit gum, so others  could orbit around me without complaint. The cashier asked me if I would be purchasing a ticket tonight. “ You know it is 500 some odd million in the jackpot right now.", she said taunting me. I glanced down in my wallet and low and behold sat 2 one dollar crisp bills. Just enough to cover my wonder breath and a ticket to boot.  “ Sure !” I said , “ Why not !” as I slid my 2 bucks through the little silver tray and heard the angels sing as my ticket came a rollin back.
                I pictured it. I would be one of the fluke people who bought a random ticket just because. I could see it on the news right now.I was just on my way to work and I said," why not !" I saw the newspapers too,  Woman buys gum and ticket too, winner in shock too much to chew on !  I slammed my van door shut and headed on down the road my mind suddenly filled with money, money, money." Sheesh!" what would one do with all that I began to ponder. A truck, my hubby wants a truck. A bigger home for sure. College funds for all the kids. Jonnethen will be driving soon, yup, he’ll need a car.  Work, ha work, I can kiss those days goodbye. Just staying home now, baking, gardening, canning, decorating, Better Homes and Gardens look out ! I found myself oddly day dreaming on my way to a night shift.Oh, and of course the ever popular, “ I would help people. I would give, and help, and build and feed !” That is what I always hear people say anyway, but who knows tell you hold all that money in your hand right.
             Ten minutes in  I jerked myself out of lah lah land  and it hit me, I wouldn't be any happier! I am happy right now. I thought of all I have.I started  rehearsing what I have now, why I'm thankful and why it is enough. I had just five minutes left  tell I pulled in to work and I needed to leave my money dreams behind and grab a thankful heart instead. I started a different kind of day dreaming. I began rehearsing what I already have and why I am glad for the way things are.
               I'm thankful my kids have learned to earn a dollar and appreciate it. I don’t want them to feel entitled. I am thankful it is not super easy for them. My daughter has bought an I pod  and a guitar, but with her own hard earned money. My son is learning to not blow all his too quick, he is beginning to save toward things. I am glad he is learning this as a teen and not too late in life. He has purchased his own snowboard and gear. My kids are not getting the X Box one for Christmas. We cannot afford it. But my sons did tell their dad that they love hunting now. They told him it is better then any video game. My oldest son has rarely played his games in months. It is refreshing and I'm thankful that they don’t have it all. My younger son says thank you often when he gets anything . He know his mom and dad work hard and I can tell he really appreciates it.
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                 I am thankful for our little home. My daughter told me she likes our home and she cannot fall asleep in big houses it makes her uncomfortable. She tell me our house feels homey. If my kids have things in life I want them to know what it means to work hard for it. To earn it and appreciate it. If they have little at times I also want them to learn to be content and thankful. Money is great, but it doesn't buy a happy home, grateful kids, or contentment. It can never buy peace with God,  true friendship, or kindness towards others.
                I would love to give my kids more. I would love a larger home where we could all spread out a little more. But I don’t have to have it to be happy. I would love to not work and  to be home. But God has given me a wonderful job. I couldn't be more thankful for that. I would love to give to the poor of the world. But I am thanking God I can give now, what I am able to those around me. I have a Mega Million things here and now to thank God for.
               We all want things, lets confess its human nature. I would still love to purchase my husband a truck. Something he could toss an elk or deer into with pride after hunting. Something big he could load fishing poles in and do what he enjoys  .When I drop my son at  friends homes, and see the large rooms and the open space it is easy for me to say," gosh would be nice !" Its my choice though to come home and sulk in our space or thank God for what He has given. 
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                  I  think even a million wouldn't be enough for some. There will always be bigger, better and more in life, Always.  Buying that ticket was a good reminder to me. I have a Mega Million reasons to be thankful today. I have so much. I have things money can never buy. The ticket is in the trash. The winners  have been chosen, and I am at home happy with all that God has given. Sure I day dream at times, but I hope to bring my heart back to all I have already. I do not purchase these tickets on a regular basis. But if in a year or two I stop to buy gum and find a lone dollar bill wandering in my purse I may be tempted again to say, " why not. You cant win if you don’t play!" But I am already a winner. God has an abundance for us all everyday ! I cannot even begin to name my Mega Million Reasons this Christmas!